Kamis, 08 November 2012

Mass Effect 3 Operation Blast Furnace Multiplayer Challenge Starts November 9

After last weekend's Operation Jackhammer, Bioware has just announced Operation Blast Furnace, which is set to begin on November 9.

As usual, players who unlock this weekend's challenge will be rewarded with a commendation pack. In order to do that, Mass Effect 3 players will have to earn 75000 points of damage using fire-based powers.

Those yet unfamiliar with the game's features should know the following fire-based powers can be used to successfully complete this challenge: Incinerate, Carnage, Inferno Grenade, Flamer, Sentry Turret Flamethrower and Geth Turret Flamethrower.

Keep in mind that the required damage can be earned on any map at any difficulty. More importantly, points are cumulative acr oss multiple matches and extraction is not required.

To give a bit of flavor to this weekend's challenge Bioware further details Operation Blast Furnace: “Resistance movements across the galaxy continue to fight. We will provide these groups with literal firepower, allowing them to stand their ground and protect our homeworlds.”

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