Minggu, 19 Januari 2014

Get Lucky

Summary: Get Lucky with this amazing game of destiny vs. triumph!!! We always strive to get the best from life putting our best efforts, but sometimes we are lucky and sometimes not Its not easy to

Updated: Jan 18, 2014
Found in: get, lucky, luck, destiny, numerology, astrology, star, signs, palm, reading, wheel, fortune

Requirements: Android OS
Downloads: 42
Get Lucky with this amazing game of destiny vs. triumph!!! We always strive to get the best from life putting our best efforts, but sometimes we are lucky and sometimes not Its not easy to understand life. There are days when wheel of fortune rolls in favor of us and then come times when bad luck spells doom. Our positive attitude helps us recover from falls and we join race of life again People believe in lucky charms and lucky numbers. They go for horoscope or try to find solution in karma. Some of them put their trust in star signs, stones and what not. But I feel that nobody is sure about future. It seems that we are not in control of destiny. No matter how hard we try to get lucky, its always in hand of some superpower we have not experience fully. Even if the best fortune teller tells us something or lucky parrot indicates anything, we cannot put our full faith on it. Be it astrology or numerology, nothing is pure science, so its tough to rely. Now the best will be to enjoy life without worrying about future too much. You may get lucky if destiny wants to bring good luck to you, or you may fail no matter how hard you try. This game lets you go through that randomness of life. Enjoy it with your partner, friends or family. Test your fortune cookie now, take the thrill ride of your life. We all know very less still lets try and get lucky.

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    (Do not have barcode app? Get one here or more on the barcode page).
  2. Point your phone camera at the QR code below and scan it.
  3. Follow the onscreen instructions to proceed with the installation.

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